Hanging gardens in Mumbai also known as Pherozshah Mehta gardens are located in the top of the Malabar hills. These are the terraced gardens on top of the hills. It was first established in 1881 by Ulhas Ghapokor. This garden provides a beautiful view of sunset over the Arabian Sea and also numerous fences cut into shape of animals.
It is a much cleaned and well maintained garden filled with a number of colorful flowers and one will get to see a number of plants that has been never seen before.

Features of Hanging Gardens in Mumbai
- The Entrance of the garden is greeted by a animal made from hedge which gives a very amazing entry into the park.
- Another beautiful feature of this Garden is a plant sculptured of Hindu deity Lord Hanuman holding a mice in his right hand and the Dronogiri Mountain on his other hand and with flowers sprung on his tail.
- There are a number of beautiful flowers that will give immense peace and pleasure to the mind like there are flowers with multiple petals, yellow colored buttercups shining brightly in the sunshine.
- Another attraction is Bunch of Canna (Italian Group) called yellow king Humbert.
- There is another feature of a plant hedges in the shape of a giraffe eating grass, then another sculpture of a man ploughing two bulls. One cannot understand these sculptures very easily until and unless one sees it in full concentrated mind as it is so beautifully done.
- Then there are pink and white daisies, beautiful bougainvillea trees, plant sculptured into a man sitting over a elephant, Casuarina tree trimmed into layers, beautiful sunflowers and unbelievably beautiful rare plants with vibrant colors.
- Another beautiful feature which is like the flame of the garden is a reddish maroon bush in the middle of the garden.
- A very important feature of this garden is a sundial that measures time according to the position of the sun. The shadow of the sun indicates the time.
- For getting relief from the scorching heat of the sun there is a garden trellis. It is a dome shaped structure with creepers on it.
- The periphery of the garden toward its exit has a big jackfruit tree and cannonball tree, which is also a best place to relax.
Timings of the park: Everyday 5.00a.m -9 p.m